Year 6 World War Two Tea Party
Lesson: History
Class: Kent Class (Year 5) Year: 2017 - 2018
Well, what an enjoyable afternoon had by all!
Year 6 put on -what could only be described- as a spectacular, vintage display of 1940s food, song and dance. They worked so hard to prepare the Tea Party.
We were so pleased at the number of guests that came to share the afternoon. The quiz went down well- Mrs Cragg, Mrs Mason and Mrs Fox winning the amazing prizes. The dance (despite the technology hic-up-maybe that's why they didnt have 'You-tube' back in the 1940s!) was fab! The singing was truly beautiful.
A huge thank you to Mrs Akers who organised and helped the children prepare all the delightful treats-nothing left-give it up for spam sandwiches!
Enjoy the photos