Vicarage ParkCofE Primary School

Kent Class (Year 6) 2023 - 2024

Mrs Green

Welcome to the Year 6 class page-Mrs Flynn and Mrs Green


This half term our topic is all about Darwin and looking at Evolution. We will be reading our new class text.... Skellig. A story about a boy who discovers a mysterious creature in his garage.


The children will be designing phone cases in their DT work, sewing a 'peppered moth' on to them, linking to English work and a story we will be covering.


This half term is of course SATS week. We will be doing lots of prep in class to ensure the children are ready to achieve their best.

We have lots of sporting events this half term, and in PE we will be preparing for sports day!


Any questions don't hesitate to ask



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Vicarage Park C of E Primary School

Vicarage Drive,